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how to find stolen mobile find stolen or lost mobile in just 2 minutes



If you also want to avoid mobile theft or missing, then you have clicked on the right website because if your mobile is stolen or lost, then you do not need to worry at all, because today we are going to tell you about an AC application. There is an application with the help of which you can find your mobile phone very easily and with this application you can ring the lost mobile, lock it and not only that you can also format your mobile. Yes, how can you do all this, to know all this, you just have to read this blog completely and follow all the steps mentioned;                                                                                                                                                 

What is the special feature of this app...

👉 View your phone, tablet or watch on a map. If the current location is not available, you will see the last known location.

With the help of indoor map, you can easily find your mobile in airports, shopping centers, and big buildings.
Navigate on your device with Google Maps by tapping the device location and then the map icon

👉Can play sound at full volume even if your mobile is on silent

Format your mobile or lock it with a custom message and contact number on the lock screen

👉You can see the network and battery status of your mobile

You can also view the details of your mobile hardware

How to use the application ...


   After downloading and installing the application, the interface of the application will be shown like this, you have to click on sign in as guest 

After that you have to write the same email id which is the email id in your lost or stolen mobile. After typing the email id, you have to click on the Next button.


After clicking on next, you have to type the password of the email id and click on the sign in button.


After that some kind of interface will appear as shown in the above image like your mobile model number battery percentage and which SIM is activated and play sound secure device erase device option is also available to see.


Now you have to click on the button of play sound, as soon as you click on the button of play sound, whoever has your mobile phone will start ringing for 30 minutes.


After that, the next feature is available to see, as soon as you click on the secure device, then you will see some kind of interface shown in front of you, as shown in picture two, you will also have to type a message at the top. You have to type the message which you want to be shown on the stolen mobile, after that you have to type a mobile number as well, you have to type the same mobile number which mobile number is present with you, after that click on Appop secure device. Is

As soon as you click on the secure device, then that message will be shown on the stolen mobile phone, whoever has typed his message as shown in the above image, as soon as the thief clicks on the owner of the Persian call, then the reverse call will be made on the same number. will be on whoever typed your number


After that you can see the next feature of erase device by clicking on it you can erase the stolen mobile.
How to download the application ... 

                                                                                      To download the application, you have to click on the get download link given below, after clicking you will get 59 sec. Will have to wait and then download and install the application by clicking on the download button,, If there is any problem in downloading and installing this application, then you can also download this application directly from playstore.Download


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